Shawn Stevenson: Sleep Smarter Book Launch Party!

Adrien and I was honored to meet and attend Shawn Stevenson’s Sleep Smarter book launch party in St. Louis. If you are not familiar with Shawn Stevenson, you are truly missing out. Shawn Stevenson is a graduate of University of Missouri, St. Louis. He studied business, biology, and kinesiology. He is also the founder of The Health Model Show. The Health Model Show has been featured as the #1 health podcast on iTunes with millions of viewers around the world.

I first heard about Shawn from his Health Model Show Facebook page. From there I decided to check out his podcast to see what he talks about. At first I thought he would be just another “health freak”. Boy, was I in for a surprise. I listened to episode 144: Mind Over Medicine with Dr. Lissa Rankin and it was truly soul changing. That podcast was so powerfully inspiring, I bought Dr. Lissa Rankin’s book “The Anatomy of a Calling”, which talks about finding your life’s purpose. I wanted to hear more, so I started listening to several other podcast from The Health Model Show. Being a part-time student, full-time employee, and a family, time is not my friend. However, I made time to listen to Shawn. I would listen to Shawn in my car during travel time and on my Bluetooth speaker while cooking dinner.

As you may know, I am currently in school to become a Dietitian. Which means I am not only learning about which foods are healthy vs the unhealthy foods. I am also learning the biological and scientific approach and effects that foods and lifestyle have on the body, most importantly health. When listening to Shawn’s podcast, I surprised to hear him apply biology and science to his topics. Which coincide with what I am learning in my studies. He has a range of topics from dealing with stress, creating healthy habits, weight loss vs fat loss, and the benefits of sleep. His podcast are entertaining, easy to comprehend with an added spice of humor.

Adrien getting his book signed.

I have heard and I am sure you have heard that sleep is important to health. Although we have heard that over and over, do you truly understand why and how? Because, I don’t. Well, now we all have access to a book that will give us all a better understanding about the importance of a good night’s rest.

Below are two links where you can find the book and a link to Shawn’s website. On his website you will also find his book tour dates. If he will be in your area, buy your tickets. Invest in you!!!!

The Health Model Show Website

Sleep Smarter Book

Back In Motion Monday

Today I was recharged with motivation, especially after seeing a friend of mine lose 111 pounds. I would like to lose 15-20 more pounds by Spring. I believe this goal is realistic and reachable.

I Can Lose 15-20 Pounds at 40!

Starting my day, I ate a nice hot bowl of whole-grain oatmeal with strawberries.

Lunch was baked chicken, brown rice, and broccoli.

Dinner, as you can see below. Mixed vegetable, baked chicken, brown rice with the remaining of the broccoli I did not finish at lunch.

The only thing I forgot to include in my diet today, was a snack. Which I see that I need to have some type of mid-day snack because I get that crave for something.

I also completed a 45 workout.

I Can Lose 15-20 Pounds at 40!

100 Pounds Lost: Before and After Picture

My high school friend, Christina has encountered a story that “most” older women experience, “weight gain“. Over the years throughout our adult life and baring children, the weight seems to pack on. I myself am very familiar with this story.  

As I was browsing my Facebook feed, Christina posted a before and after picture of her weight loss results. The transition was truly amazing to see. She started at 267 pounds and is currently 156 pounds. She has lost 111 pounds. I am sure she has put in a lot of hard to work to accomplish her goal.  

Congratulations Christina, you look truly amazing. I hope your picture motivates others to begin their journey or pick back up where they left off.  

I would love to hear more about how you lost the weight. I am sure myself and others can be inspired by you.



What does weight loss mean to you?

Have you tried to lose weight but have been unsuccessful? Maybe you have tried the low-carb diet, cleansing diet, smoothie diet, or the cave man diet. It is not a bad thing to have tried several different methods to accomplish your weight loss goal. The objective to lose weight is good to strive towards, but why do you want to lose weight? What does losing weight mean to you? Are you trying to fit into that dress or your favorite pair of jeans? Are you trying to look like your skinny friend or that model you saw in a magazine? Or you may just want to lose 30, 50, or 100 pounds because someone else said you should. This is one question that many people don’t ask themselves.

Taking the time to sit down with self and really think about why you want to lose weight can help you better understand your motivation towards a successful weight loss journey. You may come up with real issues. Such as, wanting to cure a preventative disease such as type II diabetes or high blood pressure. You may want to be able to play outdoors with your children or grandchildren without running out of breath. Some of the top reasons people want to lose weight is for health, appearance, mood, and fitness.

No matter what your reason is for wanting to lose weight, the fact remains that many people are unable to accomplish their weight loss goal. This could be because most people have not accepted or acknowledged that it is all about “lifestyle changes”. Following a restricted diet and depriving you from some of your favorites foods only make your crave the foods you can’t have. Which could lead to binge eating that results in the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish, weight gain. Then you may begin to feel like a failure and give up.

Instead of making dramatic changes, make small changes in your diet. Instead of completely giving up sugar sweetened beverages, cut back on the amount you normally consume. Then each week cut back a little more.

No matter who you are or what your reason is, I am sure you are serious and determined to lose weight. It is something you think about constantly, even if you give up. You always find yourself giving it another try. I know because I’ve been there many times.

Here are few lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight. These have helped me lose my first 15 pounds.

  • Your weight loss goals is a personal journey. Knowing what worked for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Try different things until you find a healthy solution that works for you.
  • Water. Make water your first drink of choice and drink plenty of it.
  • Eat brown. Instead of refined white foods such as potatoes and white rice. Aim to have whole-grains such as brown rice, whole grain pasta, breads, and cereals.
  • Consume more fiber. Fiber helps with digestion and it makes us feel full. Which can help to avoid over eating.
  • Never skip breakfast or any other meals. The trick is to boost your metabolism. Eating frequent small meals keeps your metabolism working all day. When you skip meals, it slows down your metabolism.
  • Get active. Challenge yourself to 30 minute work outs at least 4 days a week. You don’t necessarily have to join a gym. You can go for a walk or clean the house. YouTube has tons of work out video for free.
  • Make vegetables your main food item. 
  • Eat on smaller plates. This helps control portions size.

Give some of these a try! Losing weight is not easy. However incorporating small changes in your lifestyle, over time it becomes a part of your life.


4 Steps to Making a Resolution That Will Actually Help You Lose Weight in 2016

We’ve all made those sweeping, drastic resolutions that fizzle out by February. I’m talking about resolving to get up early and work out every day, and not eat any sugar, and cook at home every night, and stop drinking so much wine, and…

Here’s the deal: you know that all of the above are things you “should” do for your health, but trying to do them all at once is probably not the best idea for some people. Why? Perfection just isn’t possible, and the more pressure you put on yourself to make too many changes the more your resolutions may backfire. And that reality leaves you in the same place every year—stuck.

If this sounds familiar, this year you can break the pattern by using a “step ladder” approach, where each successful change builds on the next, and can all be maintained, for real this time! It may not feel as dramatic, but for many people it’s the best way to build lasting changes. Instead of burning out you’ll actually see real and lasting progress. Ready? Here are the four key steps.

Identify your “domino”

What I mean by this is the one behavior that affects others the most. For example, some of my clients tell me that alcohol is their domino, because drinking leads to both giving into unhealthy eating, and skipping the gym. Others tell me it’s dining out, because they wind up eating more at restaurants, and maybe having a drink or two, which they don’t tend to do when they cook at home. For some it’s skipping breakfast, because it leads to nibbling more all day, feeling too hungry to go to the gym, and overeating at night. Basically identify the one behavior that helps you stay in the healthiest space (or the one unhealthy habit that causes everything to unravel), and make just that one your focus to start.

Seek out support

Once you’ve zeroed in on your target, up your chances of success by identifying the things that will help make following through easier. If your domino is working out (because when you work out you’re more likely to eat healthfully, drink less, etc.), make a list of all the things that boost the chances that you’ll fit exercise in, and all of the things that tend to get in the way, so you can find ways to circumvent them.

For example, if workouts cut into your social time, recruit a workout buddy. If you find exercise boring, sign up for a class that sounds fun, like a dance workout instead of that tedious elliptical. If you struggle to find time to work out, make peace with fitting it in when you can, rather than the all or nothing (“If I can’t do a full workout I’ll skip it”). Just doing things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or carving out 15 minutes from your lunch break to walk, really add up day after day.

The idea here is to make the one domino goal you’ve set really work, because it’s like your weight loss and wellness linchpin—if it falls apart, chances are other healthy habits will go with it.


Plan a weekly progress report

Note that I didn’t say a weekly weigh-in. Don’t worry about what the scale says right now. Instead, sit down each week to assess how your domino goal is going. Take an honest look at what’s going well, and identify what you can work on during the upcoming week to best support your goal.

When things are going well, celebrate your progress in healthy ways (a new kitchen tool or healthy cookbook if you’re cooking at home, a new workout outfit if exercise is your goal are some ideas). And if you’re stumbling, don’t beat yourself up. Change isn’t always easy or linear. Sometimes you do take two steps forward and one step back, but to get to your destination the key is to keep going.

No matter what, don’t stop looking for new ways to stay motivated: set up an inspirational Pinterest board; chronicle your journey on a blog or social media; or plan a fun trip that ties in with your goal, like a girlfriend getaway to a spa, a healthy cooking class, or a hiking trip.


Slowly build on your foundation

Once your domino really feels like your new normal, strategically add new goals one at a time with the same degree of attention and patience. If your inner voice tells you you’re not doing enough, talk right back, and remind yourself of the times when taking on too much led to giving up. I’ve had many clients focus on nutrition first, and then only add exercise once they’ve really settled into a consistent healthy eating pattern. And guess what? They stuck with each one, whereas taking on the two simultaneously in the past led to ditching them both. If that’s happened to you, make ‘slow and steady’ your mantra this year. By giving yourself the room to move at your own pace, you just might find that come next December you don’t feel the need to make any resolutions at all for 2017!

Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, is Health’s contributing nutrition editor. She privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is also the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Rangers NHL team and the New York Yankees MLB team, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics.

This article originally appeared on

The Holiday Season Celebrations! Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,  

First I would like to say, I hope you had a memorable and happy Christmas and New Year celebration. 

It has been a while since I last wrote. This Holiday season has been very busy for me and although I enjoyed every moment of it. I feel relieved that it has finally came to rest.  

My Christmas was great. A few great things happened. First, my son who lives in Minneapolis came into town to spend Christmas with the family. It has been two years since he last came into town. Although it has not been two years since I last seen him because I visit him often in Minneapolis. It was great having the whole family together again. Which was the best gift I received.  

The other great thing that happened was, we purchased our first home on December 23rd.  

What more could a women ask for.  

To top it off, my sister and I took a five day vacation in Long Beach, California. The time we spent together was priceless. We visited our cousin and her two sons in Temecula, California, toured Santa Monica Pier, and Hollywood Boulevard. We also enjoyed the beauty of watching the sun rise above the Pacific Ocean. Truly amazing.  

Throughout everything that has been going on the past three weeks, I have not given up on my weight loss goals. Although I have enjoyed the cookies, pies, and ham. I did my best to eat mindful. Which means I did not allow myself to overindulge. Controlling my portion size is what I practiced this Holiday season. I still feel good about my current weight, but now it’s time to get back on track and restart my workout regime. I believe over the last three weeks I may have worked out 3 or 4 times.  

2016 is here and my New Year’s Resolution is keep driving forward just as I was doing in 2015. However, I would like to lose 10 to 15 more pounds before spring. That is my new weight loss goal.  

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and I hope 2016 will be a blessed year for you.

Hi. I’m Still Here


I have not written in awhile. This is due to my busy life. I am balancing a full time job, part-time school, family, friends, volunteer work, and community involvement. At times I wish there was more time in a day. If there was more time in a day, what would I do with the extra time? Honestly I would sleep. Lately I have been using Fitbit and it tracks sleep. On an average I get 5 1/2 hours sleep. Which is not good for my mind and body or for weight loss. One day I got 7 hours of sleep and I was jumping for joy. I felt more energized and refreshed.

Although I have not written in awhile, I still have been maintaining my 30 minute workouts. Not everyday but at least every other day on an average. I have not weighted myself in about 3 weeks because I am afraid to see what it says.  Thanksgiving holiday feast, not having the time to plan my meals, and not exercising as much as I would like have been factors I have been facing. I need to get back into my groove of working out like I want to. I have been doing more cardio then resistance training, which I try to incorporate both.

I am still striving towards my goal and have been loving what I have already accomplished.

Even when you can’t eat as healthy as you like or workout as often as you would like. Keep in mind:

  • Portion Control
  • Don’t allow yourself to over indulge
  • Fill up on vegetables and water first
  • Don’t turn a cheat meal into a cheat day
  • Make a mental note of what you are eating
  • Don’t beat yourself up or feel like a failure





Thanksgiving Preparation

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. It’s a time to enjoy the company of family and friends. It’s a time to bring traditional recipes to the table for all to enjoy. My family will be enjoying everything from deep fried turkey, roasted turkey, cornbread dressing, gravy, ham, and mixed green with smoked turkey, bake mac-n-chees, candied yams, mashed potatoes, hog maws, and an assortment of deserts.

Similar menus will be prepared in a lot of homes this coming Thursday. Not only does great tasting food come with it, so does the added calories. Which could result in a few extra pounds that we don’t want.

What to do about that?

What I have been doing to try not to gain any extra weight is being physically active with cardio exercises. I have worked out 45-30 minutes a day last week and have begun the same routine this week. I am going to be honest, it’s going to be hard to say “NO” to the food. And I should not have to. I also plan on drinking a lot of water on Thanksgiving. Which will help me feel full and keep things flowing. Also, I don’t want to waste calories on sugar sweetened beverages. I’d rather have an extra serving of cornbread dressing with cranberry sauce.

One other suggestion, don’t sleep right after eating. Allow 2 to 3 hours after eating before closing your eyes. Your body needs time to digest the food properly. Instead of sleeping, play with the kids, play a family game, or go for a walk with a family member.

I hope you all have a fun and safe Thanksgiving Holiday!

Meal Prep Review

Last week I meal prepped lunch and dinner for 4 days. I was hoping to save cooking time while adding convenience to my busy schedule. I must say that last weeks prepped meals was a success. It saved me time and the meals were created based on a healthy plate of protein, vegetables, and fiber. Also, we had no left overs. My soon to be fiancé has actually lost a few pounds last week. I think it may have a lot to do with the meals that were prepared for him.

It was so much of a help to me that I decided to meal prep again for this work week. This Sunday I did turkey meatballs, brown rice, mashed cauliflower, black beans and vegetables. The meals I made this time will last us 3 days for lunch and dinner. The remaining days we will have fish with vegetables. I could have prepped the fish, but I like my fish fresh. Plus fish does not take long to cook.

New Food Item – Shirataki Noodles

Today someone told me about a no carbohydrate no calorie noodle called Shirataki Noodles. I have not tried them yet, but I am always up to trying new and different things.

As much as I love pasta and use to eat pasta, I trying to find ways to still get a pasta dish once in awhile. I have switch my pasta to whole grain pasta and sometimes I use zucchini to make my pasta. Now I can try Shirataki Noodles!!!

What Are Shirataki Noodles?

Shirataki are Japanese noodles made from the konjac yam called devil’s tongue yam or elephant yam. Shirataki noodles are largely composed of water and glucomannan, a water-soluble dietary fiber.

The traditional shirataki noodles have zero carbohydrates, no food energy, and no gluten. They are carbohydrate free because they are made with glucomannan starch which is an indigestible dietary fiber.

Here are a few recipes I found online….

More recipes HERE
